Gratitude: Tina
When you read about the things Tina is grateful for, you see a pattern. Family. Nature. Living life. Love.
Her joy is palpable and the love in her life is visible to all!
When your child proudly brings you their art and proclaims “I am an ARTIST!” proudly and you’ll know this piece will be one you will find, after they’ve long left the nest and started their own independent lives, and press it to your chest as your gasp over how small their hands used to be…
Remembering how good to feels to swing, in barefeet, as high as a swing will take you, on a beautiful Fall late afternoon, breathing in the fresh air.
Walking with your loves.
Treasures carefully picked by your munchkin and given to you in love.
Sangria. Yes, even when it’s not Summer. There is never a ‘wrong’ time for salt-rimmed glass of this good stuff, at a local Mexican restaurant, people-watching from the patio.
Sequinned ballet slippers. Because a girl is never too old for sparkly footwear.
Unbelievably beautiful Fall trees, that look alight from within.