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Surviving the Holidays with a Newborn


Having a young baby can be hard enough, throw in the holidays and you have a recipe for instant stress! Lots of time travelling, new faces, new sounds, and new people mean that your baby may be more than a little confused!

holidays with baby

Here are our tips for surviving the holidays with a newborn in tow.

1. Routines

Throw the schedule out the window, it probably isn’t going to happen. Some routine can happen though. Bedtime may not be on time, but if bath, book, milk and bed is the bedtime routine, stick to it, regardless of what time it happens. If you have nap time rituals or other routines throughout the day, do them as much as possible. This allows your child to feel secure knowing what happens next once the routine is begun.

2. Quiet space

Especially during feeding, going to a quiet area might be especially helpful. Trying to feed a baby in a noisy environment can just result in distractions and frustration for both of you. Going to another room allows baby to relax, settle down from the stimulation, and eat fully.

3. Babywearing

It never fails; new babies are cute and everyone wants to hold them. Unfortunately, Aunt Edna has a wicked cough and Uncle Al keeps sneezing! The best ways to limit germ expense to newborns is to keep them home. Since that isn’t always possible during the holidays, keeping them close to you and out of Cousin Sally’s germ covered hands is a good second choice option.


4. Unsolicited Advice

Brace yourself, it’s coming. People, especially friends and family, can’t help themselves. It (usually) comes from a good place; it worked for them and they want to help! But especially in the early weeks and months, it can feel like a criticism of your parenting and choice.

Have a response ready, and try practicing before family gatherings. We like, “Thank you so much for your advice. We will definitely talk about that when we get home.” This way, your are acknowledging the good intentions, but indicating that nothing will change that exact moment. It also presents a ‘united front’ with your co-parent.

5. Enjoy

One of the greatest joys of children is sharing traditions, developing new ones, and making memories. Don’t forget to do that! Remember to have fun, take lots of pictures, and make memories for your family. That might mean setting aside a dedicated day that is just for your small family! You can enjoy the extended family another day!

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