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Eye Goop

Cream. Goop. Stuff
Everyone calls it something different.


Eye cream
Eye goop
The eye stuff
The eye antibiotics

The actual name is erythromycin eye ointment and in Ontario it is mandated that it be administered to all newborns. The intention is to prevent infections in the eye called, ophthalmia neonatorum (ON). The most common source of ON is gonorrhoea and chlamydia.


Today’s widespread use of antibiotics and prenatal screening makes rates of STI’s much lower than in the past, however the current law still requires prophylactic (preventative) treatment of all newborn babies.

However, in March 2015, the Canadian Paediatric Society issued a statement calling into question the future of prophylactic treatment. Their study suggest that the majority of gonorrhoeal infections in Canada are resistant to erythromycin, making the current treatment ineffective. They are recommending that the treatment no longer be routinely offered and that provinces with a mandate repeal that mandate.


As doulas, we do not have an opinion on this.


We are not doctors, midwives, or nurses. We can not, and will not, tell you what treatments are right or wrong for your baby. We strongly encourage you to discuss these changes with your care provider so that your individual situation can be properly assessed.


As always, we support you, in your decisions, for your baby.


Picture used under Creative Commons Licensing.

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