Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020!

Happy new year lightbox on black table view of tinsel,ball ,ornament party decorate on celebration greeting card
The end of something is also the beginning of something else. As 2019 ends, we are seeing the end of a year but also the end of a decade. And we are seeing the other side – the beginning of a new year and a new decade.
We like new beginnings.
New beginnings are a chance to start fresh. And they don’t have to just happen as the calendar changes.
As doulas, we get to witness so many new beginnings; the beginnings of families, the beginnings of confidence, and so many more. We see the power in those moments, simultaneously simple and utterly complex.
So, as a year and a decade wind to a close, we at Toronto Family Doulas are looking forward to the new beginning that is 2020.
There are so many new things coming and we truly can’t wait to share them all with you!
Things to look for next year:
New additions to our team!
The TFD team is always growing and we will be looking for new doulas to join our team at the end of January. If you are interested in becoming a doula, or know someone who would make an amazing doula, reach out!
More Social Media!
We will be much more active on social media so follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest information, gadgets, and local fun. We will be featuring guests, new gadgets, information on our upcoming workshops, and some "behind-the-scenes" action. And if there is something you would like to see, send us a DM and we will see what we can do!
A new day and time for Facebook Lives!
Our weekly Lives will return on Wednesday, January 9th, at 12:30 pm, and will continue every week after that. If there are questions you want answered, don't forget to send them to us so we can include them in our Ask a Doula segments.
Weekly blog updates!
Every Thursday you can check back to see our latest article about pregnancy, birth, newborns, and parenting. Our blog will also feature a member of our team once a month.
Guest bloggers!
Ready to hear from experts in infant sleep, pre- and post-natal nutrition, babywearing, and more? So are we! And we will have all that coming in 2020. Check back on Thursdays to catch up on our blog. If you are an expert in your field and interested in collaborating with us for a blog, please contact us here. If there is an expert you would like to hear from, please let us know here.
A brand new newsletter!
Re-launching 2020, the TFD newsletter will be sent out bi-weekly with important information on new studies for pregnancy and babies, local events, doula profiles, sales, workshops, and more. Although the focus is pregnancy, birth, and the first year with a baby, we will also be featuring information about the city and our favourite spots, tips for older children, and stories about the community.
More community events!
We are always looking to expand our community event and workshop offerings. If there is a workshop you would like to see, or you would like to partner with us, please reach out here. We will continue to offer our famous Registry Event with West Coast Kids so don't forget to keep an eye out for dates if you are expecting a baby in 2020!
We are so excited for everything that 2020 has in store, and we cannot wait to share it with all of you. If your family will be having an important new beginning of its own this year and you are interested in doula support, please contact us here.
Happy New Year Everyone!