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I HATE Informed Choice

Seems strange to hear that from a doula, doesn’t it?

Informed choice

I’ve honestly written this blog a hundred times, and have never been able to find the right words. So I’m going to give you the words of others:

Doula A: I’m so upset! My client’s OB is saying _______________, so they have scheduled a caesarean. I’m sending her a couple of articles about why she doesn’t need a c-section, does anyone have anymore resources?

Doula B: Of course I support all birthing choices, as long as they are informed choices!

Doula C: Well, my clients hire me to educate them so they know what they are facing. I couldn’t work with clients who didn’t want to be educated.

Doula D: I require all my clients to take a non-hospital prenatal class so they are truly informed.

Doula E: If they were truly informed, they wouldn’t choose ___________.

And on. And on. And on.

I’m wondering if you see it yet. The common thread. Because on the surface, informed choice is a good thing.

But not one of those statements was acknowledging the clients desires.

The information is what the doula deems important. The client may not have requested that information! And suddenly, their doula, the one person they hired to be on THEIR side, is giving them information that they didn’t ask for. That must make it incredibly important. My doula must be trying to save me from from a disastrous decision.

My doula is trying to save me….

How gross is that? You don’t need to be saved. Clients, birth families, families with newborns, it is okay to not want information. There is nothing wrong with trusting your doctor. Having information forced upon you is not informed choice, it is coerced choice. “Informed choice” too often translates to “the choice I think you should make” and that isn’t okay.

At Toronto Family Doulas, we believe that you know what is best for your body, your baby, and your heart. If your intuition is telling you to listen to your doctor, amazing! We are going to listen to YOU. We trust you to know what you need.

We believe in your strength, your wisdom, and your instincts. We support you, no matter what.

Yes, doulas offer educational support, but only if you want it. We can support your body and your heart, without piling books and studies and information in your lap. Email us today to find out how we can support your unique needs in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!

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